Thomas Lambert

Thomas Lambert

PhD Candidate in Aerospace Engineering

University of Liège


I am currently in the final stages of my Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Liège, where I delve into the unsteady aerodynamics of multi-wing systems. My research primarily aims to enhance the understanding of tandem flapping wings’ kinematics and refine numerical models for coaxial rotors. This work is pivotal in unraveling the physics of these intricate systems, paving the way for the development of medium-sized, bio-inspired UAVs. Furthermore, my studies on tandem wing configurations shed light on avian flight evolution, potentially aiding biologists in exploring the flight capabilities of ancient species such as the Microraptor.

Beyond my research, I contributed to the University’s academic community by teaching Aerospace Design, Aerospace Propulsion, and Flight Mechanics courses to Master’s students, sharing insights into the practical and theoretical aspects of our field.

My interests extend into computer science, where I am captivated by the progress in artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and distributed ledger technology. These areas represent the cutting edge of technology, and I’m enthusiastic about their potential to shape our future.

Outside of my academic and research activities, I like to contribute to open-source projects, thinker with my 3D printer to bring ideas to life, and fly custom-built drones for both fun and practical learning.

Download my resume.

  • Advanced Air Mobility
  • Unmaned Aerial Systems
  • Rotorcraft
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • PhD in Aerospace Engineering, Ongoing

    University of Liège

  • MSc in General Management, 2019

    HEC - University of Liège

  • MSc in Aerospace Engineering, 2015

    University of Liège


University of Liège
Teaching Assistant
January 2017 – December 2023 Liège, BE

Teaching and supervision of practical sessions

  • Aerospace Design Project
  • Aerospace Propulsion
  • Flight Mechanics and Control
  • Stochastic Processes

Supervision of Master theses related to coaxial rotors

University of Liège
Research Engineer
October 2015 – December 2016 Liège, BE
  • Development of aerodynamic models for counter-rotating rotors utilizing the innovative REDT technology to enhance design efficiency and improve rotor performance.
  • Design and implementation of a test bench for the characterisation of a micro-turboshaft engine; engine performance assessments and evaluation of its efficiency and capabilities.

Current Projects



A feature-rich and Open-Source implementation of the BEMT in Matlab



Experimental setup for a medium-size tandem flapping system.



An UVLM library in MATLAB for multi-body unsteady aerodyanmics.


Software development
matlab-plain MATLAB
python-plain Python
lua-plain Lua
cplusplus-plain C++
🇫🇷 French
🇺🇸 English
🇩🇪 German
